Smart Talk with Ed Dodson & Fred Harrison
Georgists need to seize on economic disenchantment, explain rent-seeking behavior on full display in the White House, and craft messages that resonate with younger generations.
June 24, 2018
Henry George School of Social Science

Is the Georgist philosophy making new inroads in public policy? According the Fred Harrison, not as much as it should and the reason is to be found not in the relevance of the message but in the way it is being articulated (by the followers of Henry George).

This episode of Smart Talk stresses the need for Georgists to seize the opportunity offered by the ongoing disenchantment with mainstream economics by crafting a message that would resonate with younger generations who are eager to find alternatives.

Harrison also points out that rent-seeking behavior is on full display by the current American president, which should be continually brought to attention and explained on a daily basis by Georgists in the news media, blogs, social media, and every other opportunity made possible.

Fred Harrison is the Director of the London based Land Research Trust. He authored many outstanding books on Political Economy. Fred is also a contributor to many news outlets, including but not limited to Money Week and a frequent guest on the Henry George School’s Smart Talk Series


This and other episodes of Smart Talk can be found at the Henry George School of Social Science website.

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Henry George School of Social Science

Financial collapse. Economic inequality. Global disruptions. Skyrocketing unemployment and poverty. Sound familiar?

This wasn’t 2008. This was seven decades before. In the aftermath of the Great Depression, the Henry George School of Social Sciences was born. The Henry George School was founded in 1932 as part of a reform movement that sought to establish fundamental economic justice and sustainable prosperity for all. The movement’s primary goal was to bring about the land value tax or single tax advocated by George in his classic work, Progress and Poverty. This book, spurred by an even earlier period of economic and social upheaval, remains the all-time bestselling book on political economy. Winston Churchill, Leo Tolstoy, John Dewey and Albert Einstein were among the influentials who endorsed George’s proposals.

Since the school’s founding, tens of thousands of students have taken courses and attended seminars in economics and social philosophy. The Henry George School remains dedicated to its founding principles:

Educate people about the philosophies of visionary economist Henry George

Explain the importance of these philosophies in the global landscape of the 21st century

Explore the economic issues of today’s world

Encourage and promote economic and social justice

More information about the Henry George School of Social Science can be found on their website at